
All About Female Condoms

Women are shy or just get away with the responsibility of getting protected with the availability of female condoms. Fourteen million female condoms are distributed in the developing world on an annual basis with comparison to nine billion male condoms. Read to get answers for all your queries on female condoms from its usage to its advantages and disadvantages.

What are female condoms?
Female condoms are lubricated pouches made of polyurethane type of plastic or latex. Women wear it inside their vagina during sex. It has a ring at each end. The ring with the closed end of sheath lies inside the vagina, and the other ring at the open end of the sheath lies outside the vagina after insertion.

The cost of female condoms rate higher than the male condoms and both types are used only once. It is usually thin, loose fitting, flexible and larger and wider than male condoms. It carries various brand names in different countries like Femidom, Dominique, Femy, Myfemy, FC Female Condom, Reality, Protectiv' and Care

How to use it?

To start with, wash your hands, and open the packet carefully. It can be inserted eight hours before lovemaking.Choose a position that you feel comfortable in inserting. You can squat with knees apart or lie down with legs bent and knees apart or stand with one foot up on the chair. Before inserting make sure the condom is lubricated enough, if not add some, so that you don't stop in between your highest peak of sex play. Hold the sheath in such a way that the open end is left hanging down.

Now, squeeze the inner ring with your thumb and middle finger so that it becomes long and narrow. You can even ask your partner to do it, to begin all the sexy feeling. He will feel good too. Later, insert the inner ring and sheath into the vaginal opening. You can push it slowly with your index finger as far as you can.

The condom should not be twisted inside the vagina, therefore make sure it is straight. Guide the male organ into the condom by holding it gently with your palm for not slipping into the vagina outside the condom. If the condom slip during the intercourse then stop immediately and pull the female condom out carefully.

Squeeze and twist the outer ring after intercourse to keep all the fluids inside the condom. Do not reuse the condoms or throw it in the toilet after intercourse. Note, expert gynecologists advice women not to use female condoms for anal sex as, it is difficult to use and painful. It is said its use can risk rectal bleeding which increases the risk of contracting HIV.

Pros of female condoms

  • Women can use female condoms if their partner refuses to or rather women share the responsibilities to protect themselves and their partner from STDs. It will also safeguard them from pregnancy.
  • They are small easy to carry and disposable.
  • The material used to make female condoms is less likely to cause any allergic reactions.
  • Female condoms can be inserted 8 hours before sexplay begins.
  • Sensation is preserved as the polyurethane is thin and conducts heat well.
  • It can be used with oil based lubricants.
  • Female condoms do not need specific storage as polyurethane is not affected by changes in temeperature and dampness.
  • You need not worry about the expiry date as it dates from 5 years of manufacture.

Cons of female condoms

  • Women feel uncomfortable, as the outer ring is visible outside vagina.
  • It is hard to insert and remove.
  • Polyurethane condoms are most likely to slip or brake than latex.
  • Women have frequently complained of the noise made by the condom during intercourse.
  • It is comparably more expensive than male condoms.
  • The failure rate is more when compared to other contraceptive methods.

Read more about: condoms, gynecology, hiv, lovemaking, std, swarag
Story first published: Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 17:52 [IST]

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