
Women Are Responsible For Own Orgasms

Her heart beats faster and faster, the breathing quickened, various muscles all over the body is tightened, her face, neck and chest become reddish and... and at an unpredictable moment she busts out in to the extreme pleasure. This is nothing but the narration of female orgasm, which is said to be the highest physical pleasure granted to human beings.

There is a common misconception that if a woman does not reach orgasm during an intercourse it is the disability of the male partner. It is also believed that male mates are supposed to bring the peak of sexual pleasure to the female

partner. But, studies say that no one can trespass anyone's sexual realms and what a sexual partner can do for the mate is to just help her to reach orgasm in her own way by stimulating her sexuality. If you wish to enjoy an orgasm, then it is your obligation to take your mind and body to the peaks of sexual pleasures, not your partner's.

Let us now see what is an 'orgasm'? An orgasm is the climax of sexual excitement, experienced as an intensely pleasurable sensation caused by a series of strong involuntary contractions of the muscles of the genital organs. Both men and women can have an orgasm and most importantly, orgasms help to make sexual intercourse a whole lot more enjoyable.

If a male mate could bring orgasm to a woman, she should be enjoying it during every intercourse as he goes through the same process every time. But statistics say that only about one third of women experience orgasm regularly during intercourse. In the past, people thought that 'mature' women had their orgasms with intercourse. However, sexologists have realized that other than the mechanical process of lovemaking there are a lot more to deal with mental realms.

When I say that a woman is responsible for her orgasms, I do not mean that a man has nothing to do to bring an orgasm for his female mate. While there are many ways, a loving partner can help a woman to reach orgasm. In the end, a woman is responsible for her own sexual pleasure. Even during a rape a girl may have stimulation, lubrication and orgasm unwillingly. But she may not enjoy this in the whole sense. The right 'moves' or right stimulation of female sexual organs can, possibly bring an orgasm to her. But to enjoy it, she should be mentally prepared too.

Sexuality differs for each human being and what works with a person may be futile with another one. Men usually follow the conventional path to satisfy the sexual hunger. It is the responsibility of each woman to communicate with the partner about their sexual desires, likings, and lovemaking ways, if they desire a perfect orgasm. Communication between partners is very important. It is up to the woman to inform her partner what her sexuality is... If she wishes to have an orgasm during any intercourse she can have it, provided one has to prepare both the body and mind for it. Also one can never blame the partner for not bringing an orgasm as the partner has less to do while you are responsible for your orgasm.

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