
Women Love These 8 Things In Bed..

Women love in bed
Men find it difficult to know as to what women love on bed as women are not expressive and shy too. A woman might ask to do something during lovemaking but suddenly stop you. This is very common so men follow the tactics based on the gestures women throw while making love. Here are ways to know what women love on bed?

1. Even after women are shy and un-expressive, they want to make wild love. Most of the women love to be raw and this really turns them on.

2. Women love to get caressed on her back, thighs and neck. The tickle makes them excited. Though they may stop you from doing it but secretly they love it. Try loving her whole body. She will like that.

3. Dirty talks adds to the lovemaking mood of the women. Indulge in some intimate dirty talks while making love. This way you both can come to know how your sessions are going and what makes the partner get pleasure.

4. Women don't like sensitivity and gentleness on bed. Make love to her with aggression as thats what women love on bed.

5. Don't be monotonous in lovemaking. Women love to try new lovemaking positions on bed and variations also spice up romance.

6. Caressing her breasts is exciting for a woman. Try loving her inner thighs and inner parts to make her go crazy.

7. Women love foreplay on bed. Girls get aroused slowly when compared to men so try foreplay or oral lovemaking to warm her up and get her in the mood.

8. Women love romance. Try it on the bed to make her feel desired. This feeling makes her feel loved and make her comfortable also.

Try these things on the bed to enjoy orgasm.

Story first published: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 16:30 [IST]

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