
Tips For Safe Oral Sex

Recently, there are rumours that actor Michael Douglas had throat cancer due to indulgence in oral sex. Well, earlier we heard that the actor came to know oral sex as the cause of throat cancer. However, Michael's publicist has denied it now saying the actor didn't get throat cancer due to oral sex. We do not know the actual cause of Michael Douglas' throat cancer but, we know that oral sex can cause cancer.

A nice oral sex can be pleasurable and you get to abstain from intercourse. However, a recent study by published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has shown that oral sex can prevent sexual intercourse, but it can spread sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Even after knowing Michael Douglas' statement, we hint that oral sex is increasingly becoming a cause of many STIs. Syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are few curable sexually transmitted infections due to oral sex. Herpes is a dangerous STI that can be treated but not cured completely. The worst side effect is, oral sex can cause throat cancer. So, drinking and smoking are not the only reasons for throat cancer. Thus, we decided to alert you on this so you can have a safe and healthy oral sex.

Tips For Safe Oral Sex:

Tips For Safe Oral Sex

Wear Condoms: This is one of the tips to have safe oral sex with your partner. The man should wear condoms as it prevents the transmission of STIs. So do not think that if you are not having an intercourse, you do not need to wear a condom. To have safe oral sex and avoid its health effects, wear condoms.

Flavoured Condoms: Flavoured condoms can turn oral sex delicious. Different flavoured condoms are available in stores. Pick up your favourite flavours to make the oral sex smell great and pleasurable.

Dental Dams: This is a sheet of plastic wraps that are worn by women on their genitals. This prevents the transmission of STIs. The dental dams will not spoil the oral sex and also prevent you from the health side effects.

STD Tests: This is one of the most important tips for safe oral sex. Go for STD tests to ensure that you are healthy and not transmitting any sexual diseases to your partner.

Follow these tips to have safe oral sex without facing any side effects.

Read more about: oral sex, sex
Story first published: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 15:55 [IST]
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