
The Art of Sensuous Touching

“We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth."

Virginia Satir (American Author and Psychologist)

The world revolves around romance, and in a world of romance how to communicate all your passion and emotion to your lover, most effectively? The answer is 'touch'. A skin to skin contact is the best advisable to exchange the heat of your love and romance to your partner. It is an actual need, just as vital as food and sleep for our emotional and physical health. Skin hunger is as real and as controlling as food hunger. But, before ever attempting to touch your sweet heart, you should learn the art of touching.

Our bodies require touch: it relieves stress; it makes us happier and healthier. In our fast-paced lives, however, we often forget the importance of giving and receiving affection through physical touch. We deprive ourselves of this very basic need. We strive to diet, to quit smoking, to drink in moderation, and to exercise, in order to promote a healthy body. In my opinion, touching is the most vital gift that you can give and receive. mature love

Touching promotes a healthy mind, body, and soul. It calms people, it relieves stress, and it allows us to demonstrate our love for one another. A hug, a kiss, an embraces or a hand holding will communicate more than hundred words. If you are in a relationship, both sexual and non-sexual touch are important. During the euphoric stage of a relationship, sexual touch predominates. You can't keep your hands off of each other. In the beginning, sex is a very important part of your relationship with the other person. When mature love begins, non-sexual touch becomes more important, as touch takes on an additional meaning. While sexual touch can communicate sexual feelings, non-sexual touch can simply communicate your love, care, and affection for one another.

Physical closeness and touching stimulates the continued growth of your loving relationships. Touching is an integral part of the art of loving, which requires knowledge, effort, and, above all, practice. If you are in a loving relationship, make a concerted effort to touch your partner. Don't forget to hug and kiss one another before you leave for work, or when you return home. Take advantage of quiet moments during the day to give affection to one another. Hold hands in a movie, at a restaurant, or while walking down the street. Showering or bathing together promotes touching, and will give you physical closeness with your partner. Whether you are at home or in public, demonstrate physical closeness with one another.

In sexual relationships, touching could be used as an essential stimulator. Massages or sensual touch relieves stress and tension. There are certain basic message techniques that are very effective to relieve tension,. Tension tends to accumulate in the neck, shoulders and upper back in women, and in the lower back and buttocks in men. By touching these parts one can help the partner to be calm, and aroused.

When touching your partner be soft enough, hot enough and patient enough. You should know the sensitive zones of his/her body so that you can concentrate those regions to enjoy the pleasure all the more. Sex always begins from a single touch and therefore make it as affectionate as possible. Your touch should always be inviting for your partner not scary and painful. Once you have learned the basics of the art of sensual touching, extend your hands to awaken the romance and passion of your lover.

Story first published: Monday, February 11, 2008, 15:56 [IST]

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