
Rabbit Vibrators To Stimulate You!

Rabbit Vibrators For Self Pleasure

There are number of sexual toys commonly used by people to enjoy the physical pleasures to the extreme with no partners but using certain specially made equipments. Vibrators deserve the top rank when female sexual toys are concerned. They differ in shape, size and in operating mode. Rabbit vibrators are one of the latest version of sexual toys. They own the name right from the shape of the equipment which looks like a rabbit.

Rabbit vibrators are high-tech dual-action sexual toys, designed to make you enjoy extreme sexual pleasure. This mechanism may be slightly more complicated than an average vibrator, but are definitely worth a try. Chances are that one such 'rabbit' will become your favourite sex toy.

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A rabbit vibrator consists of two main parts, namely, the 'shaft', which is the portion that looks like a phallus or penis, and an external 'bunny' clitoral stimulator. The shaft will typically rotate for internal stimulation and the bunny will vibrate against the clitoris for external stimulation. Depending on the type of your rabbit vibrator and the controller that powers it, you can control these two separate functions, changing the speed, etc... Make sure that you are familiar with the controls before you play with your toy.

Staying well lubricated is essential while using rabbit vibrator. A water-based lubricant suits most toys and is hypoallergenic. Apply enough of the lube first to the shaft of the vibrator. To enjoy the experience more, you will probably want to apply lubricant to yourself and the clitoral stimulator, too.

In order to learn how to use your rabbit vibrator correctly, first try and slowly insert the shaft. The bunny should be facing up with ears roughly lined up over your clitoris. If your rabbit vibrator also has rotating pearls or beads in the shaft, these will probably be near your vaginal opening at this point.

When you know you have everything inserted correctly, you can turn on your toy. It is better to start with low or slow speed rotation or vibration to make sure you are comfortable with your rabbit vibrator. Then, you can start increasing the speed for more intense stimulation. The clitoral stimulator in particular may seem too strong if you have no previous experience of using rabbit vibrators. In this case, you can put a cloth, sheet or other piece of material over the bunny's ears to soften the sensation a bit.

Normally rabbit vibrators are made out of a jelly-like substance, silicone, rubber or latex materials. Their soft and pliable texture makes them ideal for intimate use. Silicone vibrators are easier to clean and care for, since this material is not porous, therefore no bacteria or foreign matter is absorbed by the toy. Silicone retains heat and has no odor. Jelly material is porous and cannot be sterilized in boiling water and has a scent of rubber that some find unappealing. Rabbit vibrators made from vinyl, plastic, metal, elastomer materials can be also found.

Keeping your sex toy clean is a must. Use the recommended cleaning method for the material your rabbit vibrator is made of. For the best results, remove the batteries from your vibrator before you store it to increase their life span.


Story first published: Monday, January 21, 2008, 16:59 [IST]

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