
Delicious Sex Without Intercourse

Delicious Sex Without Intercourse

When most people talk about sex they have the idea of intercourse or vaginal penetration in their mind. But this is the very limited view of sex. Intercourse includes the detrimental chances of sexual infections and excludes many exciting and satisfying erotic possibilities. When your viewpoint is limited to the realm of mere intercourse, you are ending up having the petty, boring and unsatisfied sex.

To know and enjoy real sex, the most important thing to be done is to realise that sex is not just getting into an intercourse; but it is exploring the unknown and seamless universe of erotic pleasure through numerous ways. Intercourse is just one tiny aspect of sex like one tiny planet in the galaxy of erotic possibilities that make up sex. If you focus only on this petty aspect, you are going to miss a lot and also you are going to increase the risk of infections and pregnancy.

It is a common and slowly changing misconception that 'proper sex' requires intercourse. This simply isn"t true. As sexual beings, we have a huge range of satisfying stimulation and sexual play to choose from without resorting to penetration to finish off. Intercourse is simple and easy to have, as a result people often restrain from the complex but of course pleasure multiplying erotic actions. Good sex takes both time and effort

Be creative

[an error occurred while processing this directive]Sex is not just a recreation or procreation but it is creativity, imagination and fantasy. As you cannot learn swimming from books, sex could not be taught or learned by anyone else. It is the sole discretion of the indulged partners to design and define sexual ways for themselves. There are number of ways to delve deeper into sexual play and develop intimacy with your partner. Delicious sex comes in many shapes and forms.

Body is the substance of sexuality, therefore know and feel each others body by caressing, massaging or kissing. Both male and female body have highly sensitive parts and any soft touch could stimulate them. It is important to know the likes and dislikes of your partner. Discussing on the ways to share sexuality is highly advisable. Know the physic of your partner and avoid all the harassing actions during sex.

Ways that substitute intercourse

Take intercourse as the last option when you enjoy a sex. Experts list out a number of possibilities that replace intercourse with more pleasurable actions. Dirty talking is safest and enjoyable form of sex to provide you both with some new ideas and a bit of mental stimulation. Sexual and sensual massage is the best coveted activities in a relationship. Just make sure to cover every inch of his/her body to make the act more perfect. Touching each others" bodies releases mood-enhancing endorphins, and as a result your body may feel simply relaxed.

Phone sex, mutual masturbation etc... are the other common practices that are used to alter intercourse with. Our aural senses are very sensitive to erotic sounds; as a result, panting, heavy breathing and moans trigger a heightened sexual response. Phone sex also allows a bit more freedom because you are alone and can therefore do as you please as far as masturbation goes. Mutual masturbation is one of the sexiest and most intimate things you can do with a lover.

There are so many fun ways to experience eroticism and there is really no excuse for having boring sex and ending up in a routine intercourse. Take a break from the norm and get into the spicy part of the game. Use your imagination to spark more ideas and fun. One you are on the game, you will find that a whole range of other activities are just as much fun as intercourse. Open your mind and body, and you shall reap the rewards of a healthy, fun and open-minded sex life.


Story first published: Monday, November 5, 2007, 17:37 [IST]

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