
What Women Fear Of In Bed?

When it comes to sex, many women get scared. This fear of having sex can make you feel low and also break your strength. You need to be be strong enough to have sex. If you fear sex, you cannot turn the heat on inside the bed sheet. There are many women who get scared of few things and thus avoid having sex completely. What are these fears of women? Find out..

Fears of women in sex:

What Women Fear Of In Bed?

The long jagger: Many women are scared of having sex because they fear of the penis. They feel that the size of the penis matters in bringing pain to her. That is why, many women prefer being a virgin as the fear of seeing or letting the jagger enter inside can haunt them!

Virginity: For a majority of women, virginity is a treasure. They want to store this asset for their partner. That is why, making out or indulging in oral sex is easier for women who do not want to lose their virginity. Moreover, the pain after losing virginity can scare the woman a lot.

Pain: Women fear sex because of the pain. But, with pain comes pleasure. Once or twice you can feel the pain but with the passage of time, you will get accustomed and the pain will reduce. If you have fear of pain during the intercourse or defloration, be normal. This is natural!

Pregnancy: While having sex, all most every woman is scared of the risk of pregnancy. Having sex without using condoms can be fun filled and satisfying, but it can be risky too. That is why, a woman can enjoy pleasure during the intercourse but she will be scared of pregnancy (especially if she is not ready for it).

Fart: There are few sex positions that can make you fart. For example, the doggy style sex position can make a woman fart. This is not the normal gas but the fart that comes out of the vagina. If air enters inside the vagina during sex, the air comes out immediately thus making a fart like sound. This awkward situation can make a woman feel uncomfortable in indulging in few sex positions.

These are few fears of women regarding sex.

Read more about: sex, sex positions
Story first published: Monday, December 17, 2012, 18:14 [IST]
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