The makers of porn have only one objective. To entertain you or turn you on and make some profit out of it. So, they show whatever they think would make you horny.
But you need not really take everything serious and try to implement it in your bedroom. A lot of what they show may or may not work out in your real life!
You don't need to compare your real life with that porn you watch. You can be yourself and let your partner be herself instead of trying to imitate the moves that they show in porn films. Here are reasons why you need to take porn with a pinch of salt.

Not All Women Are Happy To Suck...
In porn films, you might have watched women craving to put a man's penis in mouth and suck it like a lollipop!! Most of that is scripted action. In real life, only a small percentage of women may enjoy doing that! So, if your partner isn't comfortable with that, don't harass her to do such things!

Not All Men Have Big Members…
If you are a woman who has watched porn but has never got intimate with your male partner, remember this! Your partner might not have 11 inch manhood in his pants!
In porn movies, they carefully handpick such guys with big members or they may even use certain other methods to make small things look big! So, if your boyfriend has a simple thing in his undies, that is his reality!

Not All Men Can Keep On Doing It For Hours Together!
In real life, stamina has some limits! In porn films, men keep on doing it till eternity without looking tired but maybe your real life boyfriend may not be able to do that much! Poor chap! He too has stress, work place tensions and certain other factors which might curb his energy levels.

Not All Women Scream Like That When They Orgasm!
If you are a man who believes that woman scream when they orgasm just like the way they do in porn, then realise that some women silently enjoy the game! Porn has deluded you.

Not All Women Enjoy Butt Slaps!
Don't think that your partner enjoys it when you slap her on the butt when she undresses. Such things happen only in the porn world. In real life, some women do enjoy such things, but not all!

Not All Angles Are Comfortable!
The porn industry survives only when they show something very different. So, they show all bizarre angles. But if you try them in your real life, either your bones or your partner's bones might break! Be careful. Start with the missionary position and stick to it if you are comfortable with it.

You Don’t Need To Go Wild To Enjoy Sex
In order to enjoy a beautiful sex life, you don't need to imitate the porn stars. You can do what pleases you and your partner and still enjoy intense orgasms. Ask your partner and she too will agree with this post!