
Unravel The Mystery Behind Exhibitionism

Sexuality is as mysterious as the depths of the sea. We have only explored a minor part of it and have gained only the peripheral knowledge. A major portion of sexuality, the greatest human pleasure is hidden and unknown for human kind even though human race has been experimenting on it from the very beginning of his existence. All the sexual abnormalities belong to this dark phase of sexuality and of course 'Exhibitionism', the abnormal and unnatural sexual act to gain attraction is prominent among such disorders.

Exhibitionism as you know, is the sexual abnormality, which makes a person satisfied or happy when he/she exposes one's genital or sexual organs to a stranger. Surveys show that most of the affected ones

are males and the victims usually are female adults or children. Exhibitionism falls under the general category of paraphilias, abnormal or unnatural attraction. The act of exhibitionism may include exposing oneself to a stranger or masturbating at the presence of a stranger. In exhibitionism exhibitionist may neither seek physical contact nor he will attempt to rape but finds self pleasure from the very act exposing oneself.

Nowadays you may not see exhibitionists on street or in public places as there are severe laws against sexual harassments in every countries. But you may find number of them in online web cam chat rooms. Chat rooms offer the required privacy at the same time the modern facilities to converse with a person while seeing him/her. Chat rooms have become safe and most-loved corners of exhibitionists.  The advantages of exhibitionists using webcam chatrooms are that voyeurs can look but they can't touch. Because it all happens from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you can show as much or as little of yourself as you feel comfortable with.

It is an alarming fact that exhibitionism is a common behaviour displayed by adolescents. As teenagers feel that they must be the centre of attention to feel popular or accepted they easily turn to exhibitionist behaviors. Teens are always trying to show off whatever they have. Adolescents may try to attract attention through acting foolishly as a 'class clown', disrupting others while they are speaking, wearing outrageous clothing that is too revealing or unique in style etc. Teenagers illustrate exhibitionism as a common behaviour during their adolescence. But if anyone goes beyond the limits and barriers defined by the society, he/she needs proper treatment to control and take away the abnormality of exhibitionism.

The healthy relationships between people could be prevented by the acts or exhibitionism as through exhibitionism one goes away from healthy lifestyle and mature social life. Exhibitionism is a behaviour that prevents one from having healthy relationships because it bothers other people. Exhibitionisms could be healthy in a marriage life and could be practiced for fun or sexual arousal among couples or sexual partners. But bringing this irrational, barbarous and anti-social act to the public is justifiable at no point.

Facts say that most of the times exhibitionists are moved by the desire to grab attraction or attention of others by showing off themselves. People regard exhibitionists as those who cannot control their own actions or those who attract negative attention toward themselves because they cannot attract positive attention. Sex is the the most divine and beautiful aspect of male female relationship. But it is not to be enjoyed and experimented in the public. To prevent or get off from this misbehaviour proper convictions are mandatory and if gone beyond self control counseling could be an effective method of treatment.

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