Every man dreams of a big penis. Some men also get an ego boost if their size increases. There are a lot more who buy expensive pills and lotions to grow their members.
It is advisable to stay away from all those products which are sold along with false claims. If you are really not happy with your size, first consult a doctor who will convince you why size isn't really so important to live a happy life.
And then you can also try some natural techniques like an oil massage for the penis which might make your penis look slightly bigger. Don't underestimate massage. When you do it regularly, you may enjoy several benefits in your bed life.
Your confidence levels will increase, erections may get better and the firmness of your organ may also develop. What are you waiting for? Here are some simply ways to massage your organ when nobody is watching you.

Using your thumb and index finger, form a ring around the base of your penis. Gently push your fingers till the head of the penis massaging it gently. Use coconut oil or olive oil for this massage.
Do this for 15-20 minutes everyday before bath. Be very careful and gentle with your penis. Don't do it in haste. After a few days, you can see slight difference.

Auto-Erotic Technique
Grip the penis with fingers and move it till the glans and release it. Your objective is to move some blood towards the glans through this massage. Do several repetitions for 10 minutes.

Milking Technique
Just like the way a cow is milked, massage your penis from bottom to top. You can use thumb and index finger to gently press the bottom of the penis as if you are trying to bring in more blood circulation. Don't forget to apply oil on your organ before milking.

Anvil Stroke
Use a hand to massage your penis from top to the bottom. Or else, you can ask your partner to apply some oil to the penis and gently squeeze it using both the hands.
Another way is to grip the penis with a hand and gently move it up and down as if you are masturbating. But apply some oil to avoid friction. You can repeat this daily as a massage or an exercise to your penis.

Bottom Line
Don't worry too much about the techniques. The main goal is to give some attention to your penis on a daily basis before bath. Daily massage will serve two purposes. It boosts blood circulation to the organ and it also works like an exercise for your small boy.
Doing this may make your penis look slightly bigger than before. After a particular age, if your penis doesn't get regular activity, it may appear a centimeter smaller. But regular massage could make it appear slightly bigger and firmer thanks to the extra blood circulation.