
Tips For First Time Anal Sex

Not everyone is comfortable with the idea of anal sex. Anal sex has always been seen as something dirty and repulsive. However for some people, anus is an area of great sexual stimulation. Men, especially are extremely fond of the rear entry. So, if you want to please your man on bed tonight, then you may try out some adventure!

Every part of your body deserves sexual exploration so why not your anus? Anal sex can be a source of thrill and some intimate pleasurable discoveries. You may not have tried this spot yet out of fear or out of aversion. But a new adventure into the wild and sensual world would be worth it.

Tips For First Time Anal Sex

So, if you are afraid of trying out anal sex for the first time, then check out these tips to get out of the fear.

Explore Yourself
Before starting your sexual journey from the rear, it would be better if you fiddle with your anus for a while. There is nothing to feel dirty about, after all it is your own body. So, get ready with baby wipes, a water based lubricant and a sex toy to start with. Watch some porn to get turned on before you start poking your behind yourself. Start with your G-spots, your nipples, vagina and slowly move to the back. Use a lot of lubricant before you start your self venture.

Have It With Your Man
Once you have thoroughly explored the area yourself, it's time to get some action in the rear with your man. Take time till you are turned on completely. Start playing with him slowly and have him touch your back. Use plenty of lubrication before he inserts his penis into it.

Make It Slow
Do not try to barge in at one go. Your vagina is self-lubricating but your anus is not. So, forceful penetration may cause tear in the tissues which can cause pain and bleeding. Therefore you have to ask your man to go slow and use the lubricant in good quantity to make it smooth.

Once you get it inside, there is nothing much to do after that. But make sure he doesn't go crazy over you. Real life anal sex is not going to be the same way as the one shown in the porn movies. So, go slow and enjoy the sensation.

Read more about: sex tips
Story first published: Tuesday, April 1, 2014, 18:30 [IST]
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