
Grapes: A Sensual Fruit For Lovemaking!

Grapes for lovemaking
Fruits are a nice option to boost up romance. Sensual fruits like strawberries, bananas and grapes turn on the mood for libido in seconds. If used sensually, these fruits can be a great way to get your partner in a mood for lovemaking.

Grapes are used widely for lovemaking. It is a very sensual, green and dark blue colored juicy fruit which can be used as a sensual fruit for lovemaking.

Here are few tips to use grapes as a sensual fruit for lovemaking:

  • Take green grapes and dip it in cream. Now eat it sensually in front of your partner. Make sure your lips look appealing. Apply lip gloss in red or nude color to make it look sexy.

  • Take a bunch of wet grapes and make your partner eat it. The water droplets on your face will be very seductive.

  • Keep a grape in your mouth and ask your mate to share it. Feeding grapes will end up in orgasm.

  • Use yaquti grapes for lovemaking. Grape wine is another grape item which is known as a lovemaking symbol! 

  • Keep some grapes in the fridge for sometime and use them when they are cold. The chilling effect of this juicy sensual fruit is heavy on the couple.

  • Rub wet grapes on her body to tickle. Don't let her stop you.

  • Give a grape massage to your partner. Mash grapes and give a sensual back massage.

  • Mash grapes in your hand and apply it on your partner's body. Now let him/her lick it. Even you can apply on yourself and ask the partner to lick it. Women, don't forget to wear short dress if you plan to use grapes in this way.

Use these green, sweet and juicy sensual fruit to enhance lovemaking and boost up romance with a new variety. You can also enjoy the flavor of this fruit whilst making love!

Read more about: lovemaking, romance, libido
Story first published: Thursday, July 21, 2011, 14:22 [IST]

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