
Lovemaking Facts For Health

Lovemaking Facts
Lovemaking is a great and easy way to get rid of ailments and other health problems. It is one natural way for couples to bind closer in love and also serves a high purpose in regard to their physical and mental health.

These lovemaking facts will be helpful for those couples who are not aware of the positive vibes it can create. If you are worried about your high blood pressure, weight gain and headaches, all you have to do is get into your partner's pants and make sweet love.

Knowledge yourself about the lovemaking facts, so next time you face these symptoms listed below, you will know what to do on the next step.

1.Depression - When you are depressed, all you have to do is make get into some lovemaking action with your partner. Some couples when they go through depression find a way out by making love to each other. According to researchers, the male semen has a chemical which is an antidepressant to help women reduce their stress levels.

2.Tooth Decay - Want to get rid of the tooth decay, turn to seminal plasma. Kissing and oral lovemaking helps to get rid of tooth decay which is a problem for many individuals. During kissing and oral lovemaking, the saliva increases thus washing away all the unwanted particles freeing you from tooth decay.

3.Blood Pressure - Women who have high blood pressure can turn to their partners for an intimate time together. It is said that the swallowing male semen can help get rid of preeclampsia. It is a lovemaking facts that male semen is good for protein as well as good for the face to reduce wrinkles.

4.Heal wounds - It is great how a lovemaking session can heal wounds at a faster pace. The lovemaking facts is that during lovemaking, the body releases oxytocin helping wounds to heal. A lovemaking session also helps in getting rid of toxin in the body for during an intimate session the blood pumping is faster.

5.Skin - No doubt that the male semen is good for women to help get rid of wrinkles. The sweat which is released during lovemaking also helps to naturally ward away rashes and blemishes.

Other than the lovemaking facts stated above, it is also widely known that some women are allergic to male semen. However, regular practice of lovemaking can make this allergy to disappear.

Story first published: Friday, December 10, 2010, 14:50 [IST]

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