
Types Of Kisses To Enhance Lovemaking

Types Of Kisses
To spice up the heat in a bedroom, couples would go in for various types of lovemaking positions to enhance the love life between sheets. Other than lovemaking positions there are various other types of tricks and games you and your partner can try . To get naughty, try out sensational and fun objects of lovemaking.

Foreplay before lovemaking is a boost up for many couples. The basic type of kissing foreplay will be burning with intensity between the two of you with these types of kisses. Kissing your partner can bring about closeness and thus increases your love life.

Here below is a few types of kisses that will help you and your partner turn the heat on. Follow these lovemaking tips and types of kisses.

1.Tiger Kiss - In the bedroom, be a tiger. Being ferocious with your partner can turn one on. Keep in mind not to be too harsh. So see to it that you are a gentle tiger cub. Pull your partner close to you and while you kiss him/her gently bite on the lower lip.

2.Ice Kiss - With the help of an ice cube, gently rub the ice on her back and as the ice melts off her. Glide your lips and tongue by giving her gentle kisses on her back, which is one of her sensitive areas on her body.

3.Breath Kiss - This type of kiss can be real fun. All you have to do is that when you are lip locked with your partner, blow in some air into his/her mouth causing the cheeks to swell. Be careful not to forcefully blow in air as you can cause your partner to get chocked.

4.Gum Kiss - Chew on a bubble gum and while you kiss your partner, give him/her to chew on it.You can also blow a bubble and ask your partner to lick the bubble. Kiss gently with the bubble gum in the mouth and exchange it once in a while.

5.Panty Kiss - When you are passionately kissing your partner, slowly remove the side of her underwear and deeply lick and kiss her panty line making her get aroused and lost in a world of passion.

6.Thigh Roll Kiss - While you are intimately kissing your partner, gently lower your mouth to her things and run your tongue behind her knees and slowly move up to her torso with gentle pecks. This type of kiss will make her go wild and beg for more.

These types of kisses is great lovemaking tips for you and your partner to follow to make your night wild and unique.
There are many more types of kisses where you just have to use your imagination to create a magical love life.

Story first published: Thursday, November 18, 2010, 13:04 [IST]

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