
Signs That A woman Is Faking It

Orgasm, the highest peak of pleasure in a lovemaking, is that make a sexual activity successful and effective. Is orgasm always as real as presented? Can anybody fake it? The answers for these questions may hurt at least few men who always think themselves as successful sexual partners as their sexual activities always end up in an orgasm. An survey on orgasm says that 72 percent of women have lied or faked an orgasm at least once in their lifetime and the most pathetic about this is that 55 percent of men say that they are helpless to distinguish between a faking and real orgasm.

There are so many reasons why a woman fake it. May be because she may not be aroused both from intercourse and clitoral stimulation. May be she wants the act to be over soon. Some women may not want to hurt the feelings of their sexual partner. In all these situations the only way left before most of the women is to fake an orgasm. In reality fake orgasms give a wrong impression to the partner that he is on the right way, ultimately ruining the relationship.

It is an unanswered question in most of the men's minds that is it possible to distinguish between faking and a real orgasm? Is there any possible signs to recognize fake orgasm? Unfortunately, as women are told best artists when

it comes to faking, there are no special signs and rules to know when women fake orgasms. Orgasms are different from women to women and can be felt in multiple ways, thus making men even more confused. Still, there are few ways to know if your woman if faking it or presenting a real orgasm.

The most visible sign of a real orgasm is the changes in breathing and heartbeats. Both breaths and heartbeats go heavier when she is into a real orgasm. This will be followed by a change in tension, rhythm and pace of body moments which occurs often unconsciously. Fakers may dupe an orgasm by the moan and groan, but be alert, when you feel the link of breathing missed in her, she is masterly faking an orgasm. When faking a women cannot increase her heartbeats, thus listen to the pace of her heartbeat and you will never be cheated.

Another possible sign of real orgasm is the retraction of the clitoral head. Even though not visible as you are in action, you can feel the clitoris disappearing as she nears the climax. Getting yourself into a position which would help you to easily feel her clitoris during sex may help you to know a real orgasm.

Other signs that appear on her body when feeling a real orgasm includes dilated pupils and red lips. Both these signs are very difficult to recognize and may not be successful always. It is common that when reaching an orgasm the lips of your girl may go more redder. You can, if a little observation is applied, easily read her sexual pleasure.

The easiest way of knowing her orgasm is observing the vaginal muscle spasms. It is impossible for anyone to fake a muscle spasm. During orgasm, she will have between 3 and 10 vaginal and cervical contractions, the first few being the strongest.

When faking an orgasm she may probably have a blank look and some dissatisfaction would be visible. She may not close her legs and and may look uneasy and un-relaxed. Most women tend to go powerless when they have had a real orgasm. If she seems as energetic as ever even after hours of action than she most probably had a fake orgasm.

The best way to know if your partner were faking is to talk openly to her than depending on peripheral signs. Discover what she likes and wants so that she never has to fake any orgasm again and you could have a great relationship. Experiment new ways of sexual act to find out more happiness and reach real orgasms than faking it to each other. Sexual pleasure is not to be presented and cheated upon but to be explored and enjoyed as a divine bliss.

Story first published: Friday, September 28, 2007, 15:56 [IST]

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