
Safe Sex Practices

Human race has been practicing sex for ages, yet this is the one we are most confused and ignorant about. It is from sex this world began, it is through sex the generations developed and it is sexual love that gives continuity of life on earth. At this point it sounds relevant to strive a bit to answer questions like, How to play the safer side of sex? What all are the safer sex practices?

Sex, the healthy part of being an adult, is a practice which can transmit a number of infections if proper care is not taken. If you want to practice safer sex it does not mean you have to eliminate sex from your life. Safer sex, in the right sense means enjoying sex without transmitting or acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. Many STDs can last a lifetime, cause birth defects in babies, and make you sterile. The deadly AIDS epidemic is the most lively example for unsafe sexual practices. Remember that safe sex is about risk reduction, and not complete risk elimination.

It is not at all possible to abstain from sex as this is an inevitable part of healthy human life. The best way to ensure safe sex is to avoid the risk related place or practice. Thus to avoid risk and to be safe the only suggestible option is to take best possible safety measures. Solitary masturbation is a safe form of sexual activity. It is safe as long as no contact is made with discharged body fluids.

Most of the infections transmit through body fluids. Preventing the fluid exchange may help to be safe enough in lovemaking. Use of condoms, both men and women, may prevent risk to a certain level. Dental dams can be used when indulged in oral sex. It can be used as a barrier between mouth and vagina during cunnilingus. Medical gloves are effective during mutual masturbation. Use a water-based lubricant such as K-Y Jelly or Astroglide for preventing the tearing down of the skin if there is a lack of lubrication during sexual intercourse. Small tears in the vagina during vaginal sex or in the rectum during anal sex allow STDs to get into your blood.

Most important is to approach sex with caution. Monogamy is very safe when partners are non-infected. Sexually faithful partners can have safer sex without any of the infections. Discussing with your partner about sexual activities and safety measures may help you to be prepared with precautions. This may make your lovemaking more tension free and risk- less.

Avoid sex with multiple partners, and also keep away from people who make love with number of people. If you come to know that your sexual partner is already affected with infections, either avoid any body contact before proper treatment is taken or take precautions. You should have a clear picture of activities that you may practice during lovemaking, like oral sex, anal sex etc... Only doing the right thing in the right way may make you risk free.

Never make love when your are drunk. The effect of alcohol may make you unconcerned of the risk and safety measures, thus unwontedly spreading infections. Setting your limits may help you to prevent infections. Have sound knowledge about safe sex, keep get a supply of lubricant and condoms or other barriers, and be sure they are easy to find when you need them etc... can help you to be safe.

Remember, before you end up with an unsafe or unprotected intercourse, it is through sex the most dangerous and deadly infections transmit from one person to another. Few of the infections could be treated effectively but most of them like HIV may steal your life in a short span. Therefore be pledged to have sexual pleasure only if the safety is assured, for you to live a long life; safe, sound and satisfied.

Story first published: Monday, October 8, 2007, 17:40 [IST]

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