
Sensual Pleasures In Your Old Age

The colours of life may begin to fade as your middle age approaches. The spirit of the youth may have melted in the burden and responsibilities to family,society, job and children. During this time without your awareness one more important aspect of life will also begin to decay. That is nothing but your interest in sexual life and the physical attraction to your partner.

There is a widespread belief that women will lack interest in sexual relationship with their menopause. At the same many old women complain that their husband lost interest in sensual activities as the old age advances. If both the partners are looking for the best in their lives after the age of 50,60 or even 70 here is the simple methods to maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

A healthy and attractive physique will always keep the physical attraction alive between the partners. In order to maintain a healthy body you can sacrifice some of the youthful vices as smoking and alcoholism. Pamper yourself at beauty saloons and maintain your body with well balanced diet or regular exercise to attract your partner.

Couples over 50 years of old often think that it is a nonsense to think about sex. You have to ward off this misconception from their minds to stay sexy at an old age. Feel the sex without a prick in your mind. You are normal to think about sex at the age of 60 or 70. You can even convince your partner that he/she is still sexy and you want to enjoy with him/her.

Old age also means relaxed time. Plan your sensual activity in accordance with with most energetic time in your day. Deviate your attention from all pressures in your life as grand children, television news, kitchen mamangement etc. Share your erotic desires with your partner. A good sexual communication will give a good start to the sexual activity at an old age.

You can spice up your encounter with strip tease or lap dance as you had done in your young days. Explore the familiar erogenous zones to keep the flame alive.

There are certain factors that you must understand while engaging in sex during the old ages. There will be certain body changes and response differences during the old age compared to the younger ages. For men over 50, the sturdy and reliable erections will take a little longer to achieve and may not be as hard as 20 years of old. The thinner vaginal walls may cause pain and inability to lubricate in older women. A better understanding of these minor changes will surely help the couple to enjoy a satisfying sex at an old age.

Health problems during the old ages must be given adequate attention while engaging in sexual relationships. The sexual dysfunctions during the old age may be the result of some other old age diseases. The heart patients can also engage in good sexual relationships after consulting with their physician. If you face any problem during the sexual interaction during the old age, consult with your doctor.

A good sexual life always serve as the basis for a healthy relationship. Keep your happiness and love always alive by enjoying the sensual pleasures even at old age.

Story first published: Friday, May 11, 2007, 15:34 [IST]

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