
SeductionTechniques To Boost Up Romance II

For men:

Who says the art of attraction is just for woman? Today's man is more careful about his looks than a woman. He can create the power of seduction and seduce the woman by dressing up right. The art of seduction is inbuilt in men and can be used subtly yet create the effect on women.

Smell fresh and clean. Have a relaxing bath before bed time and use a husky smelling soap to smell clean and sexy.


  • Use a tantalizing cologne all over your body as fresh and sexy smell draws women like magnets.
  • A dark coloured silk shirt gliding over the rippling muscles can also seduce a woman. Dark colours accentuate the romantic atmosphere and make you look hot.
  • Hair smoothed over by a setting gel can make you look sexy and hot.
  • A musky after shave lotion rubbed over the smooth jaws is a perfect turn on for women. A mix of a musky scent and a perfume will beckon the women near to you.
  • Buy a dozen roses and a gift for your partner. Gift and flowers are a sure way to enchant and attracts a woman.
  • Create the right ambience at the home. Even the men can do it! Light perfumed candles and keep a chilled champagne on the table. Draw the curtains and dim the lights and lo you have the perfect set up to welcome your partner.


The art of seduction goes a long way in re-creating the magic in your married life. should not mean the end of a sexy relationship, it should be the beginning of a magic that should be kept alive with the art of seduction.

Read more about: seduction
Story first published: Friday, June 16, 2006, 10:51 [IST]

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