
sexually Transmitted Diseases - Part II

Sexually transmitted diseases that are less dangerous can be disturbing and those that are dangerous can be fatal. Hence it is always wise to indulge in safe sex.

Syphilis, Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are some of the diseases that are covered in this article.

1. Syphilis
Syphilis is a bacterial disease caused by bacteria called Treponoma Pallidium. Popularly known as the 'Miss Siff' and 'The Pox', the disease is open to treatment and cure. But however if it is left untreated it can result in heart problems, psychological disorders, and blindness and in most acute cases it can also cause death. It also creates the possibility for the contraction of the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

The symptoms are prone to occur in stages. The appearance of painless sores called chancres on the genitals, lips tongue and other body parts are the symptoms of the primary stage. The secondary stage consists of small brown rash called the syphilis rash on the palm and at the bottom of the feet. Fever, throat pain, swollen glands and hair loss are also other symptoms. When the disease progresses to the third stage it causes increasing blindness, acute numbness, joint bone damages as well as difficulties in coordinating movements.


Treated early the disease can be cured with a dose of an intramuscular penicillin injection, which has the ability to wipe off the infection in 24 hrs.
For people who are allergic or who cannot respond to penicillin can opt for some antibiotics. Frequent blood tests for about two years should be adopted to ensure that the infection causing bacteria has left the system.

Usage of condoms can only help to a certain extent from contracting the disease from your partner as sores can appear on other parts of the body too. The possibilities of getting infected are high if contacted with open sores. Abstinence is the only way to escape the disease as the disease is spread through sexual contact with an infected person. The disease is usually transmitted from the sores to the mucas lining of the anus, genitals and mouth while indulging in sex. Pregnant mothers should get tested as the disease can be carried over to the child. Health workers should ensure that they are protected properly before treating an infected person.

2. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis that can affect both the sexes especially women. It is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. Infection can occur through penis to vagina intercourse or through vulva-to-vulva intercourse. Lesbians as well as heterosexual unprotected indulgences cause the disease in women whereas men are prone to get it from women. The vagina in the women and the urinary tract in men are the usually the affected parts. The infection can be contracted through towels, swimsuits and bed sheets also as the protozoa normally live outside the body for about 45 minutes.

Men are not likely to come up with the symptoms. But however irritation or a burning sensation in the penis during ejaculation or urination or a white discharge from the penis can be the possible symptoms. A smelly yellowish discharge from the vagina, itchy genitals and thighs, swollen labia and pain experienced during intercourse are the symptoms found in infected women. Further women also suffer lower abdominal pain and soreness. 'Strawberry Cervix' which is the formation of lesions on the cervix and vaginal causing redness is also a possible symptom in women.

Oral antibiotics can effectively treat trichomoniasis. A drug called Metronidazole provides an effective cure. Pregnant women can also opt for this drug for a safe pregnancy.

Abstinence from sex is an effective prevention. However the use of condom can reduce the possibilities of getting infected. Avoidance of indulgence with multiple sex partners and sticking on to monogamous sex is very essential. Usage of others towels, bath suits and beddings should be strictly avoided. Tightly woven underwear or pantyhose that provide a warm and moist atmosphere for the bacteria to thrive. Hence keep away from wearing them.

3. Chlamydia
Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease is caused by the bacteria called chlamydeous trachomatis that is found in vaginal and fluid and semen. It is transmitted through vaginal, anal and sometimes-through oral sex also. It is called the silent disease, as it does not show up with any external signs like warts or sores.

The symptoms are most likely to be vaginal or penile discharge like mucus or pus and pain during urination. Fever, abdominal pain, pain during intercourse and the urge to urinate frequently are the possible symptoms in women. Men experience swelling or pain in testicles and swollen rectum.

Involving in monogamous sex with a partner who is tested free of infection can be an effective prevention if abstinence is not possible. Using latex condoms can be considered even if they are not really effective. Women under the age of 25 and pregnant women should check themselves for Chlamydia infection.

4. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by Neisseria gonorrheae bacteria. It is transmitted through anal, oral and vaginal sex. The bacterium is transported through vaginal and seminal fluids. The genital tract, mouth or the rectum are the most commonly infected areas.

The cervix in women is the most commonly targetted place for the infection. The infection then moves to the uterus and travels to the fallopian tube. Bleeding after sex, burning sensation while urinating, the urge to urinate more frequently, vaginal discharge that is yellow or bloody, bleeding between periods, cramps, nausea or vomiting and fever are the symptoms for women. Swollen testicles, burning sensation while urinating, and pus discharge from the penis are the symptoms in infected men. If the rectum is infected discharge, painful bowel movements, anal itching and possibilities of blood in the feces occur.

The treatment consists of a single dose of medication. Since it is very likely for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia to strike at the same time, treatment for both is combined. The treatment can clear up the infection but may not treat the damage done to the reproductive parts prior to getting treated.

Abstinence or sex indulgence with a single committed partner is safe means of prevention. Usage of latex condoms can lessen the possibilities of getting infected. It is very important to take precaution against recurrence of the infection.

Read more about: sexual, std infection
Story first published: Friday, November 10, 2006, 18:04 [IST]

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