
Things Men Don't Notice During Sex

Women always feel shy when it comes to walking naked in front of her man. Well, they are conscious and think about hiding their flaws like a bulging belly or a birth mark that they feel can be a turn off. Men do notice such things in bed, but no one is born perfect. There are few things where men too lag behind. For example, chest or shoulder hair can be a turn off for women, but when men are having sex, they do not care about how they appear. Women should not think that men are observing every inch of her body. This is because men do not think too much like women as they are carried away by the hormones, oxytocin, testosterone and dopamine.

So, women must know that there are few things that men never notice while having sex. For example, men do not notice if you have little thigh fat or lack love handles!

Here are few things that men do not notice while having sex.

Things men do not notice during sex:

Things Men Don't Notice During Sex

Breast Shape: Trust me, men do not notice if your left boob is bigger or shorter than the right one. They are too busy playing with them and are not affected by the breast shape unless they start sagging!

Flaws On The Skin: Men are too much carried away by the sex drive and do not notice the small dark spots or blemishes on your skin.

Back Acne: It is one of the things that men do not notice during sex, but women do! Women take small things seriously and are very keen observers. They will notice such flaws in men. However, when a man is excited and busy exploring your assets, he will never be interested to check your back acne!

Dark Butt: Men are always turned when they see the bouncy, soft and curvaceous bump! If you are feeling awkward to show-off your dark butt, do not worry. Men do not mind playing with a darker butt.

Sweat: For a majority of women, sweat smell is a huge turn off. But for most of the men, sweat smell is a turn on. Although applying a nice fragrance can be a huge turn on for the couple, men do not mind having sex when you smell of sweat. Just make sure you do not smell down there.

Your Hairstyle: While having sex, men do not see if you have tied your hair or left it loose. Let me tell you, men love to have sex with women who have long open hair. So, let your hair bring some charm and sexy mood inside the bedroom.

These are few things that men do not notice during sex.

Read more about: sex, spice up
Story first published: Monday, July 1, 2013, 19:06 [IST]
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