
Treatment For Women With Low Libido

Women Low Libido
Low sexual desire is a major problem women bring to the sex therapists. Psychologists say that a low-cost, risk-free psychological treatment for women with low sexual desire can be more effective. They say that it can also be a better alternative to drugs that have adverse side effects.

The drugs for treating low sexual desire may be given with out collecting proper information from the patient. This include important information like how the body of the patient work, the body image issues, relationship issues, the stressful life style, etc.

The relationship issues of the patient is a crucial factor in predicting woman's sexual life. Another important thing to analyze, is their hormone levels. So before seeking medical treatments, women should always consider a psychological treatment, says the experts.

Laurie Mintz, from the University of Missouri, had authored a book based on this premise. In that book, she had suggested a six-step psycho-educational and cognitive-behavioral treatment approach, that are developed based on scientific literature and more than 20 years of clinical knowledge.

The treatment plan included chapters about one's thoughts about sex, how to talk with the partner, the importance of spending time together, ways to touch each other in both erotic and non-erotic ways, how to make time for sex and different ways to make sexual activity exciting etc. These chapters were meant to increase woman's sexual desire.

This book could help several people for significant gains in sexual desire and sexual functioning, when compared to the ladies who have not. This finding showed that psychology plays an important role in the aspects of sexual desire, for women.

Mintz will present her findings at the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) annual conference.

The study has been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Story first published: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 17:30 [IST]

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